Thursday, January 10, 2008

Shalese is amazing

there were no pictures of shalese on the blog because she is the hated child, as is evident. so's she had to go and do it herself. so here, courtsey of Shalese, you can all enjoy my wonderfulness, unlike anyone at this house. her dad especially being as he set up this blog. there are more pictures of snow than there are of the girl who made him a daddy? for all of you who dont know, skating is actually harder than it looks, harder than rocks more jumbled than hot dogs and more whippy than whipped cream. my dad has the harriest arms, more harry than harry potter.


Merodene said...

Shalese, you're amazing. Sounds like you have "older sister syndrome". And thanks for sharing....who knew your dad had hairy arms!!! You crack me up!!!!

Terena said...

Hey Kristi, I mean Shalesee, you look so graceful on that ice, I think you have potential!

Jessie!!! said...

oh my heck. that was cute beyond all measure. i love harry potter. i love whip cream. i love shalese. i love it all. goodness gracious, don't put me into a coma with how cute that blog was. oh too late.